Edge and Pitchcombe have moderated e-mail networks that deliver local information to your inbox regarding:
- Official information
- Emergency co-ordination
- What’s On
- Local issues
To join Edgenet please click on the link below and enter your contact details
To join PitchcombeNet please click on the link below to e-mail the co-ordinators:-
Pitchcombe Net Management Policies & GDPR Policy
Our online FaceBook page is Edge and Pitchcombe Online
Online Communities
Pitchcombe has an online community – Pitchcombe Facebook Group where you can follow what is happening, raise awareness, discuss with other members.
Village Voices is the local monthly magazine for Edge Pitchcombe and nearby villages.
Painswick Beacon is also monthly and covers the many activities in the Valley.
Both magazines are available by subscription and are delivered.